Mabel asked:
Can you suggest a plugin that will sort posts under a specific category in alphabetical order?
For this post, we’re assuming that Mabel wants to display posts from a category in alphabetical order.
If you’re comfortable working with WordPress theme templates, this can be done using the standard get_posts() function. If you’re not keen on diving into theme code, you can achieve something similar with the Mini Loops plugin.
Using the Mini Loops Plugin
The Mini Loops plugin is essentially a shortcode for creating WordPress queries.
Add some options (arguments) to the shortcode and Mini Loops will spit out the results.
For alphabetically sorting posts in a category, we’d use the following shortcode:
[miniloop categories="29" order_by=title order=ASC number_posts=100]
Let’s go through what each option means.
- categories=”29″: The IDs of the categories I want to include in this loop.
- order_by=title: Tells the loop to sort the results by title.
- order=ASC: Display results in ascending order (alphabetical).
- number_posts=100: A high number so that all results are shown on the page.
You can find a full list of options under “other notes” on the Mini Loops plugin directory page.
What does the output look like?
Here’s an example from a test blog I created with the Theme Unit Test Data:
Bonus: Use Mini Loops in your sidebar.
Aside from the shortcode, you can also use the Mini Loops plugin for sidebar widgets:
The widget includes a plethora of options for you to choose from.
(Hope this helps you out, Mabel!)